• Adoption,  Marriage,  Walk with God,  Wrestling with God

    God is in the Waiting

    I do not wait well. I get impatient in traffic and often try to find a less crowded route. While waiting in line at the post office, I configure new systems for better efficiency in my head. Yet, over and over again, I find myself in a season of waiting.  I finally became a bride at the age of thirty-four, which frankly is considered an ancient marrying age for someone born and raised in the south. I joke with my husband that he did a good job of hiding from me for a decade. Now that I have this handsome partner in life, I can remember those single years with rose-colored…

  • Adoption

    If This Adoption Happens

    It is kind of crazy to think about it now but we talked about adoption while we were dating. In fact, Corey wanted to adopt before I knew him and I wanted to adopt long before we met. As of today, we have been with our agency and actively waiting to adopt an infant for 689 days. We have experienced three failed adoptions during our wait which means that a potential birth mom chose us after looking at different family profiles. We agreed to be matched with her and then we waited for the baby to be born. At the birth, each of these mothers changed her mind and decided…