• Walk with God,  Wrestling with God

    Keep Marching

    “No soldier in active service entangles himself in the affairs of everyday life, so that he may please the one who enlisted him as a soldier.” II Timothy 2:4 As I little girl of a War Veteran, I thought it was completely normal to spend a weekend night with our whole family looking at slides from Viet Nam. My dad loves to tell stories, and he almost always includes something from his time at war. He’s told me stories of bridges being blown to pieces, villages set on fire, sleeping under his truck in the mud and rain, and sadly of his buddies not making it home. My dad witnessed firsthand…

  • Child Loss,  Walk with God,  Wrestling with God

    Now We See Dimly

    “For now, we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.”I Corinthians 13:12 When faced with some of life’s hardest questions, we know that we can turn to God’s Word for answers and solace. The Bible tells us of God’s unchanging character. He is good, sovereign, loving, just, and never grows tired. But what are we to do when we don’t find clear answers to our heartaches or sufferings in life? What do we tell ourselves or others who may be in pain? As a mom of child loss, I have asked…

  • Child Loss,  Wrestling with God

    A Ministry I Never Wanted

    When I was in college, I spent many hours listening to talks and reading books about giving my all for Jesus. As I listened to seasoned missionaries like Dr. Helen Roseveare and passionate pastors like Dr. John Piper, I was challenged to consider my comfort zone and flee from it for fear of passivity in the urgent call of Christ. I was deeply in love with Jesus because He had pursued me for many years as ran with all my might away from my church upbringing.   As my heart softened to Jesus in college, I began to desire to live a life that honored Him. I started considering where God would use me. I…