Child Loss,  Grief,  Moms

It’s STILL Mother’s Day

It’s still Mother’s Day. On this special day when you have outlived your child, it is still your day. You are still mama, mom, mum, mommy and you always will be. You are the one who aches for your baby, your child. You know all the little details of your baby. Your arms are empty but it is still Mother’s Day. Your heart is broken but it is still Mother’s Day. No one can explain why you have more days to live than your child was given. Just because you long for them doesn’t mean you are not to be celebrated today. It is still Mother’s Day.

You deserve the title, mother. You deserve the flowers, cards, and someone saying, “Happy Mother’s Day.” In the aching, remember who you are today. You are mom. Your baby made you mom and that title is not to be taken away. Give yourself permission to miss your child. To cry. Also, give yourself permission to be celebrated. I am sure your baby is celebrating you on this special day.

You are still mom and it is still Mother’s Day.